Saturday, October 8, 2011

Went Garage Sale'ing

Noelle and I went garage sale'ing for the first time today.  Here's what I learned:

-You need to go early (already started closing down at noon).
-Noelle will want something at every place (good thing her new toys were $0.25 each).
-It's NOT what HGTV portrays.  I thought I would find great finds... a frame or table that I could refinish, some antique that will be worth millions one day, etc.  Nope - just other people's stuff that I didn't want either.
-There are some AGGRESSIVE shoppers out there!  Noelle and I were walking to a house and a couple was trying to pass us.  Go ahead... just don't trample my daughter.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Piper Is So Happy and Smiley!

Piper will be four months next week.  She has changed so much.  Gosh I love her.  It's so fun to see her personality come out.  She is such a happy baby (well between the hours of 6am to 6pm).  Just kidding, no I'm not, just kidding...  It's the witching hour.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Mommy - Share and Take Turns

How do you teach a two year old to share?  Yeah - I don't know either.   I always tell her that we have to share and take turns.  Now she has turned it on me...   Noelle wants to eat with our silverware vs. her silverware.  At dinner, she will look at me very seriously and say "Mommy, share - turns."  How can I say no to that.  Fine... here is my silverware and my dinner too.   At least she gets the concept.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Noelle Is Bilingual!

Noelle really doesn't watch that much TV.  However, when she does... it has to be Dora.  I am so tired of the same episodes... Anywho...

Noelle has started to speak Spanish.  When Dora asked what color the bridge was, Noelle response was "Verde!"  When Dora's daddy is on TV, she says "Papi!"  When Dora tells Boots to "Be careful," Noelle says "Cuidado."  No clue how to spell that one.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

5' 10"... Who's Your Daddy?

We took Noelle to her TWO YEAR doctor's appointment last week.  She measured at 35".  The doctor said that at two, they can attempt to predict her height.  She said based on 35", Noelle would 5' 10".  Hmmmm... Are you sure?  Mommy is 5' 2 1/2" and Daddy is 5' 9" (on a good day).  She will be taller than me at 10 years old.

She was really skinny - 25lbs (28%).

Love her!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Piper Rolled Over!!!

We have another genius!  While doing tummy time yesterday, Piper rolled over on her back.  I thought it was a fluke.  Well today, she kept rolling over when I put her on her tummy.  Yeah!!!  Noelle thought it was so awesome, she was aggressive rolling her back on her tummy to see it again.  Gentle, gentle, gentle...

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Sorry She Ate Your Art Project...

We were over at a friend's house last week and Noelle was hungry.  Her little friend had created a craft made of cereal (hanging on the fridge).  Noelle started taking off the cereal and eating the craft.  Whoops... I guess I should bring food for her...

Noelle's Mommy