Monday, June 28, 2010

Great weekend!

We had such a great weekend!  Noelle started saying "da-da" and "baby."  She also started to pull herself up!!  What a big girl!  So many new milestones in the past few weeks.

I went out with the girls on Saturday night.  I had a blast!  Noelle stayed home with daddy and the boys.  I put her to bed at 7:30pm.  However, she is such a flirt and knew boys were coming over.  She woke up and would not go back to sleep.  Freddy sent me pictures throughout the night of Noelle playing.  She finally went to bed at midnight.  It was kind of a blessing since she woke up at 7:00am (we got to sleep in).

On Sunday we took her to her first MOVIE!  We saw "Toy Story III" in 3D.  Noelle did really well.  She was very interested in the movie for the first 20 minutes, then she didn't care about it.  She played with straws, ate some Nilla Wafers, ate lunch, shared my pretzel, and screamed with delight!  We only had to leave the theatre three times.  I can't believe we actually got to see a movie!  I am predicting more movies in our future...

Noelle's Mommy

Friday, June 25, 2010


Now that little Noelle is crawling, she loves crawling to Oscar's food.  I have put barricades around his water and food dish.  She is soooo determined to get to his food.  The weaves in between the chairs and bar stools.  She can't fit her body through the bar stools, but still doesn't not give up.  Her Go-Go Inspector Gadget arms try to reach for one nibble of food.  Too funny!

Noelle's Mommy

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Shoe Fairy:

Dear Shoe Fairy:
Could you please stop stealing Noelle's shoes?  I know she kicked off her shoe within one block of our apartment.  Where oh where did you hide it?  Do I go out and buy more shoes or go shoeless?  You stole her favorite shoe - it had VELCRO!  She is really sad over it right now.


Dear Memory Fairy:
Could you please give me back some of the brain cells you took from me when I was pregnant (and a little from college)? It's very difficult to remember things like your wallet, your Metro card, baby wipes, deodorant.

Noelle's Mommy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

She is NOT solid!

To the man that just called Noelle "Solid,"  I don't like you!  You can't call a little girl who is sooooo stinking cute - SOLID!  Also she is not solid.  She is getting ready to go through a growth spurt.

Noelle's Mommy

I have to watch her like a hawk!

What a difference a week makes!  I have to follow Noelle where ever she goes now.  Everything goes in the mouth.  She climbs over and under everything.  Nothing is in the bookshelf anymore.  WOW - is she into everything!  The best has been climbing under the table, through the chairs, through the bar stools to get to Oscar's food.  Oh also the door stoppers!  Must take off the rubber part on the stoppers.

I don't think Oscar likes this new found mobility.  His tail has been pulled numerous times.  He can't find a quiet place to call his own anymore:)

Gotta go!  The DVDs have been taken out since I have been typing...

Noelle's Mommy

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Crawling and Screen Saver...

Noelle is officially mobile!  She started crawling yesterday.  Nothing is safe!  I got her to crawl to her yogurt treats.  I felt like I was treating her like a dog (whistling to come get a treat).  It worked!  She is so much fun!

Random story...  I was in our local 7/11 to get a slurpie on Thursday.  The cashier asked if he could take a photo of Noelle.  I would normally say "No", but I knew I would see him again.  I let him take her picture. Then yesterday, Freddy and I were in 7/11 again (to get a slurpie - so delicious) and the cashier showed us his phone.  NOELLE WAS HIS SCREEN SAVER!  What?!!!  That is so weird.  I know she is so cute, but really - your screen saver.  That's a little uncomfortable.  Daddy was upset that I let him take a picture of her.  Lesson learned!  I will not let strangers take her picture.  I will also not visit 7/11 again (unless I really need a slurpie or it's July 11th - slurpies are free that day).

Noelle's Mommy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

She begs more than the dog...

We started to give Noelle real food (a french fry here, a noodle there).  She also has been drinking from our glasses - only water.  She loves it!  So now every time I get myself food, she rolls over to me (still not crawling, but so close) to beg for food.  I always give into the dog.  How can I not give her food?!  This morning, I gave her a wee bit of my waffle without butter and syrup.  She loved it!  She is great at begging and getting what she wants.

So... while at Wal-Mart this weekend.  I HAD to have McD's french fries.  I gave Noelle a really mushy one (again a wee bit).  It's like I have never fed her!  She was in heaven (she is my daughter).  As we were shopping, I kept giving her fries.  I went one aisle over with the McD's bag and heard the worst meltdown EVER.  I ran over and Freddy said, "Give me the bag, give me the bag.  She wants a french fry!"  What have we created?

Noelle's Mommy

Monday, June 14, 2010

Toga, Toga!

We had a parents' night out on Saturday.  We celebrated Kelly and Marcus's bachelorette and bachelor parties!  Kelly's theme was a Grecian one since they are heading to Greece for their honeymoon.  It was the second time we had a babysitter for Noelle (besides our friends).  The babysitter called us twice.  One time to say Noelle was sobbing for 15-20 minutes, but finally fell asleep.  What can I say?  The girl likes her nighttime routine that includes ME!

I have not been to the Meat Packing District in forever.   It made me think... Mama needs to go clubbing!  What do you think, girls?  In a few weeks we hit the clubs!  Great it's planned!

We took great photos of Noelle yesterday in a togo and a grecian head piece.  She is so cute and was such a great sport!  Toga, toga!  Enjoy:)

Noelle's Mommy

Monday, June 7, 2010

Signs That I am a Mommy

I have been noticing lately that I do things that I said I would never do once I became a mom.  Most of them I don't even realize I am doing them.  I am not complaining...just stating the facts (love being a mommy).

-I always thought it was so weird when moms called their children by the wrong name.  I thought "You know their name, it's not that hard."  Well...  I only have one child, but I call her Oscar, Kosmo, Freddy, then Noelle all the time.  I seriously have no memory.  YES, I know her name.  It just doesn't seem to want to come out of my mouth.

-I also thought that when you were a stay at home mommy, you had all this time on your hands.  Not true.  Noelle takes two naps a day that each last about 45 minutes.  The rest of the day I am entertaining her, changing her diaper, feeding her, etc.  The thing that I am the worst at doing (due to lack of time) is folding the darn laundry.  I wash the laundry.  It just sits unfolded for a few days.  Thank goodness for wrinkle releaser.

-Spit up is my new perfume!  When she spits up on me, I just wipe it off.  Before I thought it was so gross - clean yourself mommies.  Not the case...  I don't even smell it anymore.

-Noelle does not like it when I am in the shower.  I now take the fastest showers ever! Sometimes when I attempt to shave my legs (sorry Freddy), I only shave one and plan on shaving the other leg the next day.

-Since I am trying to get ready so quickly, I tend to put my underwear on inside out about 25% of the time.  I laugh the first time I go to the bathroom and see what I did again.  I need to focus more...

-The best sign that I am a mommy... get ready it's a little gross...  I found a 3/4" armpit hair!!!!  I don't have time to exam my shaving job.  Of course I showed Freddy the hair and we laughed.  It now has been removed from my body.

Noelle's Mommy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Move Over Martha Stewart!

Yesterday I was so efficient!  I don't think Martha could keep up with me.  Oh boy... I am officially domesticated if I am comparing myself to Martha.  I do have a big sense of accomplishment.

-Laundry done - CHECK!
-Baby food made - CHECK!
-Kitchen scrubbed - CHECK that too!
-Floors cleaned - Oh Yeah!
-Read to Noelle - Of Course...she's so smart.
-Went to the gym - CHECK!
-Grocery Shopped - DONE!!!

Martha eat my dust!

Noelle's Mommy