Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mommy's Nesting

I am definitely nesting.  A few weeks ago, we painted the baby's room, ordered carpet and the furniture.  We need to get this room in order!  I know we still have three months to go... However, it will fly by.  I have also made many other requests of daddy.  Tile the laundry room, build a bench for the sunroom, build flower pots for the front porch, put together the wagon, the yard...  There's much, much more.

The baby is moving a lot!  I have also started getting braxton hicks contractions.  Noelle still doesn't understand that her world is going to change in three months.  We keep playing with our baby dolls.  She does love seeing babies - as long as mommy is not holding one.

Oh the baby names... It was so much easier with Noelle.  Maybe I will have a dream and the name will come to me.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

She Repeats Everything...

Noelle is trying to repeat everything we say now.  It's so awesome.  Well... unless you are daddy and say the "S" word.  Oscar, the trusty dog, decide to break free and run around the neighborhood.  Daddy had some choice words to say about the situation.  Guess what... Noelle did too!

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Our Little Flower Girl

Noelle made her Flower Girl debut a few weeks ago at Erin and Tommy's wedding.  She was teething in major way. In her 17.5 months of life, I have not seen her this unhappy or in so much pain.  Instead of our happy go lucky little girl, she was attached to daddy - paci in mouth - non social girl.  I felt so bad for her.

Well she did want Uncle Tommy (the groom) to hold her all the time too!

My mom made a pretty dress for her with little orange flowers on it.  10 minutes before the ceremony.  I noticed two of the four flowers had been pulled off.  I cut the other two off.  She wouldn't let me do her hair.  As we were "attempting" to walk down the aisle together, Noelle tried to bolt for the grassy area she was playing on previously.

Overall it was a great week!  Noelle now has EIGHT teeth!  We are catching up.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

PS:  The bride and groom looked amazing!!!