Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dirty, Dirty!!

Noelle loves to tell me when things are dirty.  Being 37 weeks pregnant, it's hard to keep a clean house.  When she eats her popsicles (a really cute word to hear her say) and drops half of it on the floor, she needs me to clean it up immediately.  When she picks her nose (daddy taught her that ), she needs me to clean off her finger right away because it is now "dirty."

I am also teaching her to say "help" vs. whine. She now needs "help" with everything.  I will take it!

Everything is also a "boo-boo" and needs a Dora Bandaid.  I think I am going to buy stock in Bandaids and Neosporin.  Noelle is a walking boo-boo (a little clumsy).

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy