Saturday, October 8, 2011

Went Garage Sale'ing

Noelle and I went garage sale'ing for the first time today.  Here's what I learned:

-You need to go early (already started closing down at noon).
-Noelle will want something at every place (good thing her new toys were $0.25 each).
-It's NOT what HGTV portrays.  I thought I would find great finds... a frame or table that I could refinish, some antique that will be worth millions one day, etc.  Nope - just other people's stuff that I didn't want either.
-There are some AGGRESSIVE shoppers out there!  Noelle and I were walking to a house and a couple was trying to pass us.  Go ahead... just don't trample my daughter.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Piper Is So Happy and Smiley!

Piper will be four months next week.  She has changed so much.  Gosh I love her.  It's so fun to see her personality come out.  She is such a happy baby (well between the hours of 6am to 6pm).  Just kidding, no I'm not, just kidding...  It's the witching hour.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Mommy - Share and Take Turns

How do you teach a two year old to share?  Yeah - I don't know either.   I always tell her that we have to share and take turns.  Now she has turned it on me...   Noelle wants to eat with our silverware vs. her silverware.  At dinner, she will look at me very seriously and say "Mommy, share - turns."  How can I say no to that.  Fine... here is my silverware and my dinner too.   At least she gets the concept.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Noelle Is Bilingual!

Noelle really doesn't watch that much TV.  However, when she does... it has to be Dora.  I am so tired of the same episodes... Anywho...

Noelle has started to speak Spanish.  When Dora asked what color the bridge was, Noelle response was "Verde!"  When Dora's daddy is on TV, she says "Papi!"  When Dora tells Boots to "Be careful," Noelle says "Cuidado."  No clue how to spell that one.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

5' 10"... Who's Your Daddy?

We took Noelle to her TWO YEAR doctor's appointment last week.  She measured at 35".  The doctor said that at two, they can attempt to predict her height.  She said based on 35", Noelle would 5' 10".  Hmmmm... Are you sure?  Mommy is 5' 2 1/2" and Daddy is 5' 9" (on a good day).  She will be taller than me at 10 years old.

She was really skinny - 25lbs (28%).

Love her!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Piper Rolled Over!!!

We have another genius!  While doing tummy time yesterday, Piper rolled over on her back.  I thought it was a fluke.  Well today, she kept rolling over when I put her on her tummy.  Yeah!!!  Noelle thought it was so awesome, she was aggressive rolling her back on her tummy to see it again.  Gentle, gentle, gentle...

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Sorry She Ate Your Art Project...

We were over at a friend's house last week and Noelle was hungry.  Her little friend had created a craft made of cereal (hanging on the fridge).  Noelle started taking off the cereal and eating the craft.  Whoops... I guess I should bring food for her...

Noelle's Mommy

Pinching Nipples

Another dinner story...  

We are letting Noelle use a big girl cup at dinner for her milk.  She normally soaks herself, so we take off her shirt. Well she spilled on her shirt and tried to take it off.  She noticed her nipples and started pinching them.  She must have been pinching them hard because she would scream "Ouch!"  Well yeah - stop pinching your boob.  Freddy and I couldn't stop laughing, so she kept doing.  I apologize when you see her next and she starts pinching her nipple in front of you...

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Doll Reenactment

Have I already failed as a mother?  The psychologist would say "yes."

Last week Noelle was being crazy during lunch (she turns two one day and the next...).  I kept telling her no.  I finally let her down to play.  She started playing with her Little People dollhouse.  She took the "mommy" doll and "Noelle" doll and reenacted our lunch.  She kept saying "No-no, sit" and forcing the "Noelle doll" to stay in the kitchen.  Hmmmmm... I thought I was a good mommy.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

What Did I Eat?

Piper has the SMELLIEST farts ever!  When she farts, all I can think of is "what did I eat?".... since I am nursing.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

"Sit, Mommy, Sit"

We are teaching Noelle manners.  She has to say please, thank you, excuse me, etc.  We also made a rule that she has to stay seated at the dinner table until everyone was done eating.  Well last week, I got up from the table to clean up, she told me to SIT DOWN and pointed.  Ouch!  At least she is learning.  Mommy has to practice what she preaches.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Bandaids Everyday...

Noelle has sympathy pain for everyone.  Two days before Noelle's birthday, her neighborhood friend hit his head.  Noelle started screaming, "Dora! Dora!" and ran home.  She needed a Dora bandaid on her head too.  She kept a bandaid on her head for THREE DAYS!  She threw a fit if I didn't give her a new bandaid for her head.  Thus... all photos from her birthday party and actual birthday she is wearing a bandaid.

PS:  Kisses don't fix boo-boos anymore, only Dora bandaids.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Our Little Girl is TWO!!

This year has truly been the fastest year of my life.  I can't believe Noelle is TWO!  She is getting sassier by the day.  She looks at me and says, "Sassy?"  Yes - you are definitely sassy.

We had a Dora themed birthday party.  We had fairy wings for the girls and swords for the boys to play with.  Pinata filled with lots of sugar:) PLUS Dora decor all over the house.  It was a little insane with 22 kids at our house.  Noelle had a blast!  Thanks for everyone making it so special.

We bought a Dora outfit for Noelle and asked everyone to wear a tutu to the party.  Noelle refused to wear her outfit.  She has lopsided pigtails, a bandaid on her forehead, and a stained t-shirt on for her party!!  She looked so stinking cute!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Friday, August 12, 2011

Two Month Doctor's Appointment

We took Piper to her two month appointment yesterday.  We were with the pediatrician for one hour - a record!  Little Pipes had to go on Zantac and mommy has to give up soy in addition to dairy.  Poor girl... I just want her to be happy and not in pain.  Gotta love gas and acid reflux.

She is growing at a healthy rate!
10.5 lbs (40%)
22" long (34%)

Yeah!  Love my babies:)

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Ouch! Stop Pulling My Hair...

I left the room only for 60 seconds.  I heard Piper screaming out in pain.  My first thought..."OMG - what is Noelle doing to her?"  I walked in to Noelle playing on the other side of the room and Piper screaming in terror.  At first I didn't see why she was upset...  Then I noticed she was pulling her own hair!  She has so much of it and newborns cannot control their reflexes.  I was laughing so hard as I was prying her fingers apart.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Pump and Dump... For Ice Cream?

The Dairy Queen commercials are killing me!!!  I want a Nutter Butter Blizzard!  I am thinking about pumping and dumping so I can have one:)  Forget alcohol - I want ice cream!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Easy as ABC, 123!

Guess what Noelle knows?  She counts to three all the time!!  We are still trying to get past the letter "B".  However, now that she has mastered counting, we are back onto the alphabet.  She is still a genius!

Noelle knows her colors too!  So far blue and green have been her favorite colors.  That doesn't work with her pink room and pink wardrobe.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Let the Hair Loss Begin...

A few months after I had Noelle, I experienced a MAJOR hair loss.  Starting this week, it begins with Piper. Good thing I got my hair done a few weeks ago.  It is so gross.  I will sometimes pull out clumps of hair.  Anyone else?  Or is it just me?  The doctor said there is nothing you can do.  It just happens...

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Monday, August 8, 2011

Potty Training... Lasted Three Hours

Noelle kept telling me that she has to go potty, so I thought I would take advantage of the opportunity!  We went out and bought a Dora potty, Dora step stool, and Dora undies.  We talked all about potty training and she was excited about her new Dora items.  We woke up on Saturday morning and sat on the potty.  Noelle went pee!  Yeah-success (Mommy rocks)!  I set the timer for one hour.  Well (remember how I previously said she doesn't move or talk when she is watching Dora on TV)...  30 minutes later, Noelle peed all over the chair and just sat in it watching TV-thank goodness for pleather.  I noticed, put her on the potty, and changed her (no pee). I was patient.  Then I put her on the potty an hour later - nothing and I had to literally FORCE her on the potty.  Forget the M&Ms, she didn't want them.  30 minutes later, she peed in the undies again, hmmm be patient, be patient.  Noelle kept wedging her undies up her bottom. I pulled them out and noticed - WET.  After one other time of forcing her on the potty (again - forget the damn M&Ms and Dora undies) and one more pair of wet underwear... I gave up!

Funny thing... Sunday she was asking for the potty and M&Ms.  We will try again in a few months:)  Mommy can't handle the stress!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Dora Is Hypnotic...

What is in the Dora cartoons that is so hypnotic?  It's a little scary.  Noelle doesn't talk or move when Dora is on.  She sits in her little chair and focuses on the TV.  I have started implementing "no TV time."  She screams and screams for Dora, Boots, Backpack, and Map.  I think I need to write a letter to Nickelodeon to find out what secret messages that have in their shows.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Piper Is Two Months Old!

Time flies!  I can't believe Piper is two months old already.  I feel like the luckiest mommy in the world to have two wonderful little girls.  I am finally understanding lil' Pipes.  She loves to be cuddled - but who doesn't! She still doesn't like dairy - so weird since Mommy is from Wisconsin. PLUS she is a great sleeper.  She only gets up once during the night.  Ahhh...mommy bliss!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Friday, July 22, 2011

Miss Clusmy

Noelle got her first bloody, fat lip.  She ran into a door while playing with the dog.  At first I didn't know how she hurt herself, but when she did it again... I figured it out.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy


Now that lil' Piper Quinn has arrived, I put a few extra mirrors up in my car.  I need to be able to see the girls at all times.  I have mirrors everywhere... mirrors that show reflections of reflections of reflections.   I have scared the $@#% out of myself multiple times!  I will look back at Piper and see someone in the car.  Only to find out it's me!!  It's the reflection of the back of my head:)  Hee-hee:)

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mommy's Milk

Since I am nursing, I explained to Noelle that Piper eats "mommy's milk."  Now when we are in public and Piper is crying, Noelle will grab me and say "Pi, eat - eat."  She is such a good big sister:)

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Lactose Intolerant

Little Piper had a tough first five weeks of life (so did mommy).  She cried and cried - the pain cry.  I was becoming best friends with the doctor on call at the pediatrician's office.  We keep giving her gas relieving medicine and it was not working.  Come to find out... five weeks later... our little girl is lactose intolerant.  Mommy had to give up all dairy.   I am from Wisconsin.  What am I supposed to eat?  Dairy (cheese) is involved in every meal and snack of the day.  I am so glad little Piper is feeling better.

PS:  If anyone has any non-dairy recipes, please share!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy


When we first brought Piper home from the hospital, I forgot her name:)  I blame it on being sleep deprived.  I know it now and will never forgot it.  It was for only a mil-a-second.

Noelle and PIPER's Mommmy

Digging For Gold...

Ahhh...Noelle loves digging for gold (aka picking her nose).  I am trying to teach her that it is dirty.  However, she only thinks the result is dirty.  She is pick a booger out of her nose and say "dirty, dirty."  I have to get a tissue and clean the booger off her finger and then she DIGS FOR GOLD AGAIN.  I am waiting for her to devour the morsel.

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Our Squeaker

Piper squeaks all the time.  When she is sleeping, eating, or hanging out.  It is the best sound.  I think we have our nickname for her!!!

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Nursing - Take Two

Wow - that first week was fun - NOT!  I thought nursing was supposed to go better the second time around.  I turned my child into a vampire.  Attention TMI... the first week when Piper was finished eating, I pulled her away and her mouth was bloody.  My boobs were bleeding!  The pain, the pain.  It was awful.  It's so much better now:)

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Noelle is so sweet...

I always knew Noelle was a sweet child.  However now that Piper has made her debut, I am seeing just how nice Noelle is.  She is truly a sweet little girl.  Noelle is so concerned about her sister (even at 20 months).  If Piper is crying (which she did a lot - lactose intolerant - that was fun...), Noelle will take out her "baa" aka paci and give it to Piper.  She is always concerned about where Piper is.  If Piper is awake and we are not holding her, Noelle will tell us to pick up her Pi.

Ahhh... the love...

Noelle and Piper's Mommy

Welcome Piper Quinn!

We welcomed Miss Piper Quinn into our lives on Wednesday, June 8th at 2:21pm.  I am a little late making the announcement.  Life has been a little crazy with two little ones.  Piper is beautiful and has tons of brown curly hair.  She is going to look like daddy (except female).   We are waiting to see what color her eyes are.  Currently they are a violet blue (six weeks old).  She is a little over 8lbs - little peanut.

The best part is... Noelle LOVES her.  Noelle wakes up in the morning asking where her "Pi" is.  She can't say "Piper" yet.  She wants to hug, kiss, and cuddle with her all the time.  We have to be a little careful since Noelle is a little bigger than Pi.  We are truly blessed!

Noelle and PIPER'S Mommy

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dirty, Dirty!!

Noelle loves to tell me when things are dirty.  Being 37 weeks pregnant, it's hard to keep a clean house.  When she eats her popsicles (a really cute word to hear her say) and drops half of it on the floor, she needs me to clean it up immediately.  When she picks her nose (daddy taught her that ), she needs me to clean off her finger right away because it is now "dirty."

I am also teaching her to say "help" vs. whine. She now needs "help" with everything.  I will take it!

Everything is also a "boo-boo" and needs a Dora Bandaid.  I think I am going to buy stock in Bandaids and Neosporin.  Noelle is a walking boo-boo (a little clumsy).

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bfred #2 Update

Bfred #2 is definitely different than Noelle.  The baby weighs around 6lbs (50%), has a ton of hair (Noelle was born with none), and has a HUGE head - 95%.  I am already warning daddy that I mean business when I say it's time for an epidural.

I am so excited!! I can't believe we have four weeks to go (or less or more).  Noelle has no clue what's about to happen.  She knows what a baby is and she knows one is in my belly...but...

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy


It took 20 months, but Noelle has mastered "no-no."  I tried really hard to come up with other phrases to say when she is getting into trouble... "no-no" just caught on.  She is becoming sassy.  She loves Oscar's dog food.  I cannot keep her away from it.  When she sees me coming, she will quickly grab a handful of dog food and run away - shoving it in her mouth.  Then with a full mouth, she will look at me and say "no-no" while shaking her finger.  She does the same thing with Oscar's water dish.  She will see me coming and quickly dunk her hands in the water and run away saying "no-no" while waving her finger.

She is so fun:)
Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Sensory Overload

Noelle now has 11 teeth!  I heard one of the signs of serious teething is licking things.  Well Noelle is licking EVERYTHING.  A few weeks ago, Noelle licked the grill of my friends car (yummy bugs).  Then... she starting licking daddy's tire (yummy street crud). When we go to the YMCA, she gets on her hands and knees and starts licking the textured floor mats.  I think it's helping with her immune system:)

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Manners... Whoops Forgot About Those!

We were recently talking to our neighbors about sign language.  They mentioned how they taught their sons "please" and "thank you" when the boys were little.  I thought CRAP!  I never thought about teaching Noelle manners!!!  The "book" didn't tell me to teach manners - just commands.  When I got home, I looked up "please" and "thank you."  Since then, I have been working with Noelle on "thank you" and she signed it for the first time today!  Such a genius.

Gotta love those manners...
Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Monday, May 2, 2011

Body Parts

Noelle is interested in learning about her body parts.  We recently learned where our "boobs" are.  Noelle is so intrigued!  When we are in public, she has been lifting up her shirt or dress to show strangers her new body part.  I don't want her to grow up ashamed of her body.  However, I also don't want people to start throwing beads...

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Attempting to Shower

Even mommies need to take showers sometimes.  When I "attempt" to take a shower, I lock Noelle in our bedroom and open up the door to the bathroom and closet.  Noelle opens every drawer in the bathroom and takes out the contents.  Recently she has been handing me different things to store in the shower.  Last week, she wanted me to take my tennis shoes in (trying to throw them at me in the shower), today she handed me a shirt still on the hanger, always toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, make-up, etc.  I sometimes forget to take them out, then daddy has surprises in the morning!

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

PS:  Bfred #2 is still measuring BIG - 92%.  Currently he/she is 4lbs 11oz, has a big head and lots of hair (opposite of Noelle).  I am a little worried I will pop out a three month old.  32 weeks!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Our little lover...

Noelle is such a little lover.  When we have play dates and the other kids push her over, she tries to give them hugs (well sometimes she pushes them back or steps on their toes).  Last week, she started saying "mommy" and "daddy" vs. "mama" and "dada." It melts my heart.  She also loves it when people kiss.  She will take your heads and push them together to get you to kiss.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

All Done...

We taught Noelle sign language, so she could communicate with us (LOVE it).  One of the signs we taught her is "all done." It looks a little bit like she is waving at you.  She has also picked up new facial expressions - one being a frown.  Noelle has been going up to people that she doesn't know (stranger danger) - frowning and telling us she is "all done" with them.  Hmmm... a little embarrassing.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mommy's Nesting

I am definitely nesting.  A few weeks ago, we painted the baby's room, ordered carpet and the furniture.  We need to get this room in order!  I know we still have three months to go... However, it will fly by.  I have also made many other requests of daddy.  Tile the laundry room, build a bench for the sunroom, build flower pots for the front porch, put together the wagon, the yard...  There's much, much more.

The baby is moving a lot!  I have also started getting braxton hicks contractions.  Noelle still doesn't understand that her world is going to change in three months.  We keep playing with our baby dolls.  She does love seeing babies - as long as mommy is not holding one.

Oh the baby names... It was so much easier with Noelle.  Maybe I will have a dream and the name will come to me.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

She Repeats Everything...

Noelle is trying to repeat everything we say now.  It's so awesome.  Well... unless you are daddy and say the "S" word.  Oscar, the trusty dog, decide to break free and run around the neighborhood.  Daddy had some choice words to say about the situation.  Guess what... Noelle did too!

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Our Little Flower Girl

Noelle made her Flower Girl debut a few weeks ago at Erin and Tommy's wedding.  She was teething in major way. In her 17.5 months of life, I have not seen her this unhappy or in so much pain.  Instead of our happy go lucky little girl, she was attached to daddy - paci in mouth - non social girl.  I felt so bad for her.

Well she did want Uncle Tommy (the groom) to hold her all the time too!

My mom made a pretty dress for her with little orange flowers on it.  10 minutes before the ceremony.  I noticed two of the four flowers had been pulled off.  I cut the other two off.  She wouldn't let me do her hair.  As we were "attempting" to walk down the aisle together, Noelle tried to bolt for the grassy area she was playing on previously.

Overall it was a great week!  Noelle now has EIGHT teeth!  We are catching up.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

PS:  The bride and groom looked amazing!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tooth Number Seven... Finally

Noelle finally has seven teeth!  The seventh one popped through this morning.  Most kids her age are getting molars.  She is still working on the front ones:)   She has been such a trooper.

I think her allergies are bothering her too.  I checked my journal from last year and it is about the same allergy time (water eyes, congested, and boogery).  Poor girl!

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

PS:  I has already started.  I just sneezed and a little pee came out.  Bfred  #2 - can you shift away from the bladder, please?

Monday, February 21, 2011

ABCs, Twirling, and 1st Joke!

I know I have said it before... however, Noelle is a funny, genius that changes everyday.  We have been keeping busy by going to story time at the library (she is Miss Social), swimming at the YMCA, playdates, the zoo, and much more.

Her lastest...

1.  This weekend she started saying her "ABCs".  She can only go up to "e".  "F" must be hard to say.  She repeats after us.  She isn't saying them by memory yet.  We are working on it!  We will video tape it!

2.  We have been trying to get her to spin around in circles.  All of a sudden on Sunday morning, she started twirling and not stopping.  She has to put out her right arm.  It's so cute.  Again... we will record it!

3.  We think she said her first joke yesterday.  We kept asking her where mommy was (when daddy was holding her).  She would point at me and say "dada" and start laughing hysterically.  She kept doing it all day yesterday.  Ahhhh... we have a jokester!

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Slip 'N Slide

Yesterday I finally decided to mop the sunroom after Noelle ate a couple of bugs (she eats anything).  As I was using the Swiffer, she ran over where I just sprayed and slipped.  She was giggling so hard.  She laid on her back and was wiggling all over the floor.  It was too cute.  No skin fell off or blistered, so I thought it was okay.  Just to clarify... I didn't spray anymore.

Her BIG imagination!

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

PS:  We are 22 weeks along!  Bfred #2's heartbeat this week was 150 to 155.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And I Thought Trying On Swimsuits NOT Preggo Was Terrible...

Noelle and I went shopping today for a swimsuit (Miami here we come)!  Trying on swimsuits is normally not fun... well wait until you are PREGGO!  You have four options and none of them look good.  Noelle was even screaming of terror in the dressing room.  I looked online, but how do you buy a maternity suit online??  The option I chose looks like my grandma's swimsuit (sorry Grandma)!

Noelle updates - She started saying "cookie!"  How can you deprive a child from a cookie when she squeaks out the word "cookie?"  It is so cute!

Bfred #2 updates - moving lots!  Daddy can't feel him/her yet.  My placenta is facing my belly button vs. insides, so it's tougher for daddy to feel the baby.  It's normal.

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Monday, January 31, 2011

Elle Belle's Updates!

Noelle changes, learns, and eats something new everyday!

-She has learned to climb up on the furniture.  I truly have to keep an eye on her at all times.
-I am going to start a list of things Noelle eats... add daddy's deodorant to the list!
-She started saying "banana."  We were at the grocery store and she started screaming "banana".  They have to be weighed before you can eat them.  I couldn't get through the check out fast enough.
-She tries to change her baby's diaper and is extremely protective of baby.  No one can play with baby other than Noelle.
-She loves Dora.  Grandma and Papa got her new Dora pjs.  She would not take them off and kept looking at them pointing out all of the Doras.
-Plays peek-a-boo by covering up her eyes.
-She loves shoes.  She picks out her own shoes everyday (always matches).

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Thursday, January 27, 2011

More "Poo" Stories

Noelle has become a private pooper.  She will stop what's she is doing and go in a corner.  Of course we know what she is doing.  Yesterday after she did her duty, she came up to me and pointed at her diaper.  So advanced for her age:)

Noelle's Mommy

Bfred #2

In about five months, I may need to change the name of my blog!  I don't want to cheat Bfred #2 out of any stories.  We had our BIG doctor's appointment this week.   We did not find out the sex of the baby.  It was a lot easier this time not to find out than with Noelle.  We agreed that if we could get past this appointment, it would be smooth sailing.  The doctor made us turn our heads, so we didn't see anything!  I think we are having a boy.  Of course, I think that Freddy should be / will be blessed with all girls:)  This pregnancy has been different than Noelle's.  We are looking at baby names and decor for the baby's room.  This time I will actually be able to decorate a room (vs. sharing a room with Noelle).

19 weeks and counting!
Heartbeat - 152
Est. Wt - 9 oz (big baby)

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Thursday, January 20, 2011

And She Eats DOG POOP!!!

I should have known something was up...  Noelle was quiet for too long.  She walked into the laundry room with stuff on her face.  My first thought was chocolate.  Then I SMELLED IT!  We are still training Oscar to go potty outside and he went poo on the wee-wee pad.  Noelle ate it.  So gross!  She had it all over her face, hands, feet.  I really thought I was going to vomit.  I immediately threw her in the bathtub and washed her mouth out with soap.  The worst part (well it was equally as bad), she had smeared it in all over the hallway floor.  After I gave her a bath, I had to scrub the poo of the floor.  Again... puke, puke, puke.

We washed all of our clothes and I let her eat about 100 cheese balls just to get the taste and smell out of her mouth.  Thank goodness she only has six teeth and no back teeth (could get stuck in).

Noelle's Mommy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sudoku Book

Noelle LOVES books!  This week she keeps bringing me the Sudoku book to read to her.  How do you tell a 15.5 month old that it's all numbers and not a story?  I guess mommy will have to be creative in story telling!

Noelle's Mommy

PS:  I am already 17.5 weeks along!  I am having some weird cravings... but who doesn't like cherry ice cream with M&M's?  Bfred #2 is moving tons!  I love the butterfly tickles:)  It's going by so fast!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Karaoke Queen

For Christmas, we bought Noelle a piano with a microphone.  We never showed her how to use the microphone.  However, she is a ROCKSTAR!  We have to get it on video.  She will stand in the middle of the living room singing, dancing, and snapping her fingers.  I see a karaoke queen in the future.  I may have to pull out a few of my old Dixie Chicks numbers:)

Noelle's Mommy

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gym Daycare - a NIGHTMARE!

I just joined the YMCA.  I was soooo excited!  It has three pools (one outside).  Tons of classes and a huge daycare center.  Well I went there yesterday and it looked like a puppy mill except for children.  There are sooooo many kids in one area.  No kidding - half of the kids were crying in the toddler room.  There is no way they can take care of that many kids.  I hung out with Noelle for a few minutes before I went to workout.  She seemed to be fine (didn't even know I had left).  Well when I came back, I could tell that she had been crying hard.  I felt awful.  They told me that they would come get me if she was really upset.

Well I felt like crap the rest of the day (could be my hormones too).  They said the afternoons are better.  Who wants to shower in the morning, get ready for the day, only to sweat at 1pm?  Well we are going to try it today.  I am trying to make friends - plus get some social time for Noelle.  If it's still a zoo, we are quitting and finding a new one.  Bummer...  Anyone have suggestions?

Noelle's Mommy

Obsessed With Belly Buttons!

Noelle loves her belly button... and everyone else's!  We have been teaching her body parts (nose, mouth, eyes, and belly button).  She will lift up her shirt at anytime and show you her belly button.  However... when you are not paying attention, she will also lift up your shirt as well.  She wants to see everyone's belly button!  Sorry in advance!

Noelle's Mommy

Best New Toy!

We finally got our new appliances this weekend!  We kept the boxes for Noelle.  She has made a home out of the stove box.  It has pillows and toys in it.  She will look at you and point at the box.  Then she will pat the pillow when you are inside to lay your head down.  It is so cute.  Forget all the Christmas toys - she just truly wants the box!!

Noelle's Mommy

She Loves Back Massagers!

Yesterday we were at Bed Bath & Beyond.  While we were walking around the store, I noticed the chair back massagers.  I put Noelle in one.  She LOVED it.  She freaked out when I tried to take her out of the chair.  Eek!

Noelle's Mommy

Noelle's Going To Be a Big Sister!

I am 16 weeks along!  We are trying to get Noelle into the "baby" mood.  We bought her a baby doll for Christmas.  We are teaching her how to feed and take care of the baby.  Hopefully she will be on board by the time the baby comes (June 22nd).

We are so excited!!!  We have had so many changes lately (moving cross country and buying a house) - why not add one more!  Stay tuned for updates!

Noelle's Mommy