Monday, January 31, 2011

Elle Belle's Updates!

Noelle changes, learns, and eats something new everyday!

-She has learned to climb up on the furniture.  I truly have to keep an eye on her at all times.
-I am going to start a list of things Noelle eats... add daddy's deodorant to the list!
-She started saying "banana."  We were at the grocery store and she started screaming "banana".  They have to be weighed before you can eat them.  I couldn't get through the check out fast enough.
-She tries to change her baby's diaper and is extremely protective of baby.  No one can play with baby other than Noelle.
-She loves Dora.  Grandma and Papa got her new Dora pjs.  She would not take them off and kept looking at them pointing out all of the Doras.
-Plays peek-a-boo by covering up her eyes.
-She loves shoes.  She picks out her own shoes everyday (always matches).

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Thursday, January 27, 2011

More "Poo" Stories

Noelle has become a private pooper.  She will stop what's she is doing and go in a corner.  Of course we know what she is doing.  Yesterday after she did her duty, she came up to me and pointed at her diaper.  So advanced for her age:)

Noelle's Mommy

Bfred #2

In about five months, I may need to change the name of my blog!  I don't want to cheat Bfred #2 out of any stories.  We had our BIG doctor's appointment this week.   We did not find out the sex of the baby.  It was a lot easier this time not to find out than with Noelle.  We agreed that if we could get past this appointment, it would be smooth sailing.  The doctor made us turn our heads, so we didn't see anything!  I think we are having a boy.  Of course, I think that Freddy should be / will be blessed with all girls:)  This pregnancy has been different than Noelle's.  We are looking at baby names and decor for the baby's room.  This time I will actually be able to decorate a room (vs. sharing a room with Noelle).

19 weeks and counting!
Heartbeat - 152
Est. Wt - 9 oz (big baby)

Noelle and Bfred #2's Mommy

Thursday, January 20, 2011

And She Eats DOG POOP!!!

I should have known something was up...  Noelle was quiet for too long.  She walked into the laundry room with stuff on her face.  My first thought was chocolate.  Then I SMELLED IT!  We are still training Oscar to go potty outside and he went poo on the wee-wee pad.  Noelle ate it.  So gross!  She had it all over her face, hands, feet.  I really thought I was going to vomit.  I immediately threw her in the bathtub and washed her mouth out with soap.  The worst part (well it was equally as bad), she had smeared it in all over the hallway floor.  After I gave her a bath, I had to scrub the poo of the floor.  Again... puke, puke, puke.

We washed all of our clothes and I let her eat about 100 cheese balls just to get the taste and smell out of her mouth.  Thank goodness she only has six teeth and no back teeth (could get stuck in).

Noelle's Mommy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sudoku Book

Noelle LOVES books!  This week she keeps bringing me the Sudoku book to read to her.  How do you tell a 15.5 month old that it's all numbers and not a story?  I guess mommy will have to be creative in story telling!

Noelle's Mommy

PS:  I am already 17.5 weeks along!  I am having some weird cravings... but who doesn't like cherry ice cream with M&M's?  Bfred #2 is moving tons!  I love the butterfly tickles:)  It's going by so fast!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Karaoke Queen

For Christmas, we bought Noelle a piano with a microphone.  We never showed her how to use the microphone.  However, she is a ROCKSTAR!  We have to get it on video.  She will stand in the middle of the living room singing, dancing, and snapping her fingers.  I see a karaoke queen in the future.  I may have to pull out a few of my old Dixie Chicks numbers:)

Noelle's Mommy

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gym Daycare - a NIGHTMARE!

I just joined the YMCA.  I was soooo excited!  It has three pools (one outside).  Tons of classes and a huge daycare center.  Well I went there yesterday and it looked like a puppy mill except for children.  There are sooooo many kids in one area.  No kidding - half of the kids were crying in the toddler room.  There is no way they can take care of that many kids.  I hung out with Noelle for a few minutes before I went to workout.  She seemed to be fine (didn't even know I had left).  Well when I came back, I could tell that she had been crying hard.  I felt awful.  They told me that they would come get me if she was really upset.

Well I felt like crap the rest of the day (could be my hormones too).  They said the afternoons are better.  Who wants to shower in the morning, get ready for the day, only to sweat at 1pm?  Well we are going to try it today.  I am trying to make friends - plus get some social time for Noelle.  If it's still a zoo, we are quitting and finding a new one.  Bummer...  Anyone have suggestions?

Noelle's Mommy

Obsessed With Belly Buttons!

Noelle loves her belly button... and everyone else's!  We have been teaching her body parts (nose, mouth, eyes, and belly button).  She will lift up her shirt at anytime and show you her belly button.  However... when you are not paying attention, she will also lift up your shirt as well.  She wants to see everyone's belly button!  Sorry in advance!

Noelle's Mommy

Best New Toy!

We finally got our new appliances this weekend!  We kept the boxes for Noelle.  She has made a home out of the stove box.  It has pillows and toys in it.  She will look at you and point at the box.  Then she will pat the pillow when you are inside to lay your head down.  It is so cute.  Forget all the Christmas toys - she just truly wants the box!!

Noelle's Mommy

She Loves Back Massagers!

Yesterday we were at Bed Bath & Beyond.  While we were walking around the store, I noticed the chair back massagers.  I put Noelle in one.  She LOVED it.  She freaked out when I tried to take her out of the chair.  Eek!

Noelle's Mommy

Noelle's Going To Be a Big Sister!

I am 16 weeks along!  We are trying to get Noelle into the "baby" mood.  We bought her a baby doll for Christmas.  We are teaching her how to feed and take care of the baby.  Hopefully she will be on board by the time the baby comes (June 22nd).

We are so excited!!!  We have had so many changes lately (moving cross country and buying a house) - why not add one more!  Stay tuned for updates!

Noelle's Mommy