Friday, April 16, 2010

Dare I say it?.... Drama Queen

Our little princess is turning into a drama queen or maybe a diva.  Noelle has started to fake cry to get what she wants.  The problem is I give her everything she wants.  I need to stand strong, but it's so hard.  She also is the pickiest eater EVER!  She won't eat anything green.  I thought babies were supposed to love green beans.  I can understand the asparagus, but green beans are good!  I have to put them in her rice cereal in the mornings.

She literally changes before my eyes.  She is turning into a little person with a HUGE personality.  Right now she is jumping in the exersaucer (which she wants to stay in for hours).  However, she is fake crying.  She wants me to stand next to her, so she can have the best of both worlds (playing and have me near her). I am not complaining.  I feel blessed everyday to have her!  Also how can I complain when she loves her mommy.

She's so cute!

PS:  Happy Birthday, Papa Larson!

Noelle's Mommy


  1. Stand strong Mama Kim! You can do it. (but what do I know?!) :-)

  2. You can't believe Noelle doesn't like green beans when her Gma has sworn off eating anything green for LIFE! :D
