Friday, May 14, 2010

Home Alone

Noelle and I are home alone tonight.  Freddy went to the Yankees game (so bummed that Beyonce and Jay-Z are sitting a few seats from him).  I thought that I would relax once Noelle went to sleep.  I was going stir crazy - didn't know if I should clean the apartment, do the laundry, read a book, take a bath...  I decided to take a bath and read my book.

Well while I was in the bath, my mind went all crazy.  I was SCARED to be home alone.  I thought I kept hearing noises.  Who have I become?  Rewind a year ago... I was a jet setter, traveling around the world by myself.   15 hour flights by myself - no problem!  Hotel room in a foreign country where I don't speak the language - why not!  Move to a few states where I don't know anyone - ahhh - adventure!  Fast forward to present day... home alone with Noelle.  AHHHH - anyone want to spend the night?

It doesn't help that the only shows on TV are "Law & Order," "CSI," "Dateline," "20/20," etc.  Nightmares anyone?  I think I will sleep with all the lights on and have my guard dog (5.5 lbs Yorkie) sniff out any trouble.

Noelle's Mommy


  1. Awh we would have kept you company! I could get used to Friday Nights with Noelle!

  2. I'm the same way now, Kim! It's SO weird. We both used to be so different! What happened?!
