Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Disciplining Little Noelle

Now that Noelle is 9.5 months, she knows what's right and wrong.  For example when she makes a beeline for Oscar's food dish or if she chews paper.  Noelle will look at me a smile right before she is naughty.  I try not to smile back or laugh, but it's so hard - she is so darn cute!  So "the books" say that you should not raise your voice or say "No".  Instead you should take them away and create a new distraction for them.   Hmmm...  apparently "the books" have never met a little girl like Noelle.  The girl has a one track mind.  If she is by Oscar's food and I pick her up and set her by her toys, she cries and instantly crawls back to Oscar's food dish!  The new distraction does not work, now what?

Noelle's Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Kimmey, it sounds like you need to progress to the new book for disciplining toddlers - Noelle is just way ahead of the learning curve!
