Now that Noelle is 9.5 months, she knows what's right and wrong. For example when she makes a beeline for Oscar's food dish or if she chews paper. Noelle will look at me a smile right before she is naughty. I try not to smile back or laugh, but it's so hard - she is so darn cute! So "the books" say that you should not raise your voice or say "No". Instead you should take them away and create a new distraction for them. Hmmm... apparently "the books" have never met a little girl like Noelle. The girl has a one track mind. If she is by Oscar's food and I pick her up and set her by her toys, she cries and instantly crawls back to Oscar's food dish! The new distraction does not work, now what?
Noelle's Mommy
Kimmey, it sounds like you need to progress to the new book for disciplining toddlers - Noelle is just way ahead of the learning curve!