Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I really need to get out more...

Somedays you really need social interaction with adults...

This week, Freddy had a funeral for a coworker's brother (say a little prayer for their family).  He told me he was going to come home change and then head to the viewing.  I offered to go with him.  We would get home late (past Noelle's feeding schedule and bedtime).  He said that he would just go - pop in, saying his regards, and leave.  I told him I really need social interaction and would like to attend the viewing with him.  We were going back and forth.  Bottom line - he couldn't leave me!  I needed adult time!  If the only way I was going to get social interaction was by attending a funeral - by golly - let a girl go!  I was fighting to go to a funeral for someone I didn't know just to get out of the house.  Hmmmm... what have I turned into?  I need to start meeting new people in NJ. Funeral crashing should NOT be the way to meet people.

Step 1:  Let hubby go to funeral by himself.  Hold yourself together!
Step 2:  Go to the gym to meet other mommies / friends.
Step 3:  Get therapy... and read what you just wrote.

Noelle's Mommy


  1. Awh! Step 4: Truck your cookies into the city to play with your girlfriends at earliest next opportunity! Have a great time on your trip - see you soon! xoxoxoxo

  2. Too funny Kim. It is hard to meet people at our age in a new place. But you're good at it. good luck, it'll get easier soon (i'm sure, again, what do i know, i'm childless) ;)
