Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Six Month Doctor's Appointment

Can you believe Noelle is already six months?  Time flies by, but I also can't remember life without her.  It's as if she has always been here.  The best six months EVER!

Yesterday we had her doctor's appointment. It was downpouring out.  Even though we have moved to the burbs (aka New Jersey), her doctor is still in the city.  It is so difficult to get around in the rain.  I had two options on how to transport her there.

Option 1:  Bring her big stroller (has a really good rain guard), get off the 72nd stop (only stop that has an elevator), and walk to 87th street - while being blown around in the wind with the umbrella.
Option 2: Put her in the Baby Bjorn and get off at the 86th stop.  She may get a little wet and my back will hurt for a week... but she will be out of the bad weather for most of the time.

I chose Option 2.  We survived!

We did have an eventful time at the doctor.  She was given three shots and only cried for 10 seconds - literally (what a trooper). She was supposed to get her ears pierced.  However, the doctor who pierces them was not in.  Bummer - we go next Wednesday!!!  Now for her status report...  She is only 18% for height and weight.  We have a tiny little one.  The doctor said I need to put butter in her vegetables (remember - I am making her baby food) and give her high-calorie food.  She needs to be on a mostly solid food diet vs. liquid.  I was so worried it was my fault.  I am always worried about something.  The doc said she could be petite like her mommy, so don't worry.

Goal = fatten up baby!

Noelle's Mommy


  1. i have gotten the "fatten him/her up" lecture with both of my kids...some kids are just little. i stressed out like crazy with jackson - trying EVERYTHING to get him to gain weight. and felt like a failure at every weigh-in when he was only in the 10th percentile. i'm not stressing over it with addie - it's not worth it! as long as noelle is developing physically and mentally (which it sounds like she IS with no problem!), don't stress yourself out. :)

  2. Thanks Jenn!!! I have looked at everything on-line. Noelle is healthy and I think that's the most important thing.
